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Conductor : exciting concert calendar autumn 2024 !

Photo Harald Hoffmann


Composer : 3 WORLD PREMIERES in May 2024 !

Photo Harald Hoffmann


March 2024 : 4x Le Seuil Musical in France!

Photo Harald Hoffmann
Photo Harald Hoffmann


PRESS LE GRAND MACABRE – Enescu Festival 17.9.2023

Photo Andrada Pavel
Photo Andrada Pavel

« The young conductor Arnaud Arbet was the soul of the evening, applauded by everyone, including the Philharmonic members, and effectively adored by the choir. And all this was good and all this means a great success. » despreopera, 17.9.2023

« The conductor, Arnaud Arbet, conducted the whole ensemble brilliantly. The prolonged applause at the end was well deserved. » hotnews, 21.9.2023

« I am surprised, and it shows me, not for the first time, that Romanian artists, under the right guidance and in the right context, can live up to the score: it is sung with commitment and spirit, with seriousness and vitality. All of this makes for an artistic experience that is hard to match, crowned at the Athenaeum with standing ovations, in an uninterrupted roar of applause for several minutes. » scena9, 29.9.2023

« This Sunday-afternoon concert performance kept me listening, and sometimes watching, the music strong and unpredictable enough to be sufficient on its own terms, the George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra & Choir, entering enthusiastically and precisely into Ligeti’s inimitable and challenging demands conducted by the unflappable and baton-less Arnaud Arbet. » colinscolumn, 17.9.2023

Photo Andrada Pavel


LE GRAND MACABRE in Bucharest, Enescu Festival ! 17.9.23

I will soon conduct Ligeti’s operatic masterpiece, with the Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra !

French version, partly done by me ! It was a great pleasure and honour to translate some parts of crazy and funny Ligeti’s opera into French !

17 September 2023 at 16:30 in the Romanian Atheneum

infos here




Photo Harald Hoffmann

Monday 27 March 2023 – 20:00 – Atelier de la Main d’Or – Paris
Schönberg : works in duo
See the concert on YouTube

Tuesday 30 March 2023 – 20:00 – Atelier de la Main d’Or – Paris
Webern : songs cycles for soprano and various ensembles op. 14 to 18
See the concert on YouTube

Friday 21 April 2023 – 10:00 – European House – Ichikawa – Japan
Conference : Schönberg : his life and work

Sunday 30 April 2023 – 14:00 – Artist Salon Dolce – Tokyo – Japan
Schönberg : Pierrot Lunaire

to know more :