Trois Offrandes for piano 4 hands op. 1 (2015). 18’
Creation : 15 November 2015, Atelier de la Main d’Or, Paris by Kyoko Nojima and Arnaud Arbet, piano
Trois Mouvements for ensemble op. 2 (2016). 8’
Creation (2 first movements) : 20 October 2016, Budapest Music Center by THReNSeMBLe
Cinq Fables de la Fontaine. Divertissement for soprano, baritone and orchestra op. 3 (2017). 16’
Creation (piano reduction) : 24 May 2024, Atelier Lyrique de Tourcoing by Alexandra Untiedt, Vincent Le Texier and Kyoko Nojima
Poemas de Teresa de Ávila for soprano, flute, guitar and harp op. 4 (2018). 12′
Creation : 12 November 2022, Atelier de la Main d’Or, Paris by Marie-Adeline Henry and Le Seuil Musical under the direction of Arnaud Arbet
Trio for oboe, bassoon and piano op. 5 (2019). 14′
Creation : 2 July 2020, Accademia di Musica di Pinerolo by Ensemble Seta
La Corbeille de fruits, 5 melodies for bass and piano (text Tagore) op. 6 (2019). 12′. Orchestration 2021.
Private creation : 17 September 2021, Atelier de la Main d’Or, Paris by Vincent Le Texier and Arnaud Arbet
Public creation : 24 May 2024, Atelier Lyrique de Tourcoing by Vincent Le Texier and Kyoko Nojima
Toccata for piano op. 7 (2020). 4’30
String quartet op. 8 (2021). 12′
Cinq haïkus de printemps for contralto and bass clarinet op. 9 (2023). 5′
Nonsense Songs for mixed choir a cappella (text Edward Lear) op. 10 (2023). 14′
Creation (1st and 3d songs) : 8 May 2024, Romanian Atheneum, Bucharest, by the Choir of the George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Arnaud Arbet
Onze Écueils for piano op. 11 (2024). 18′
Vidéo / Audio
Trois Offrandes for piano 4 hands op. 1 (2015)
Atelier de la Main d’Or, 15 November 2015
Kyoko Nojima, Arnaud Arbet, piano
Cinq Fables de la Fontaine. Divertissement for soprano, baritone and orchestra op. 3 (2017)
Atelier Lyrique de Tourcoing, 24 May 2024 (piano reduction)
Alexandra Untiedt, soprano, Vincent Le Texier bass-baritone, Kyoko Nojima piano
Poemas de Teresa de Avila op. 4 (2018)
Atelier de la Main d’Or, 12 November 2022
Marie-Adeline Henry, soprano and Le Seuil Musical conducted by Arnaud Arbet
Trio for oboe, bassoon and piano op. 5 (2019)
Accademia di musica di Pinerolo, 2 July 2020
Ensemble Seta
La Corbeille de fruits, 5 melodies for bass and piano op. 6 (2019)
Atelier de la Main d’Or, 17 September 2021.
Vincent le Texier, bass-baritone and Arnaud Arbet, piano.
Toccata for piano op. 7 (2020) – beginning
Played by MIDI-Sound
Nonsense songs for mixed choir a cappella op. 10 (2023)
Romanian Atheneum, Bucharest, 8 May 2024.
Choir of the George Enescu Philharmonic conducted by Arnaud Arbet.
1. The Owl and the Pussy-Cat
3. The Daddy Long-legs and the Fly
2. The Duck and the Kangaroo (piano and voice Arnaud Arbet)